Chat on a Mat: Rebecca Lockyer

Starting her career as The Little Mermaid at Tokyo Disney, Rebecca danced all day and, “Ate pasta every night. Best job ever!” You can check out her graceful moves up front of a yoga class, throwing down contemporary-style or cruising Bondi Beach with her main babe Remi (REMdog, R.E.M Jet, Squiddy...) 

Tune in below for a chat on a mat with Rebecca… 

  1. First memory of food? I won a donut eating competition when I was little.

  2. Top 3 desert island yoga poses? Downward dog, warrior 2, crescent lunge

  3. Best meal you've had with friends - what and where? The first time that Marco made us dinner at home. The chocolate nemesis.

  4. Favourite place to eat solo? Lox Stock & Barrel in Bondi. Have the Bowlarama with scrambled eggs and sprouted grain toast.

  5. Something you’ve cooked for a lover? I wasn’t into cooking before I had Remi. I ate haloumi 24/7 but I make really epic salads.

  6. What does it feel like when you're in your flow? Calm, energised and easy.

  7. How do you kick yourself out of a flat spot? Yoga. Coffee. Wine.

  8. Favourite job to date? I was a Disney Princess in Tokyo, Japan. I’d dance all day then go home and eat pasta.

  9. Desert Island vegetable? Avocado. It’s actually a fruit but whatevs. You could use it as moisturiser or hair mask, it keeps you alive. It’s the best.

  10. Favourite place to travel? Naples. Espresso and sfogiatella, a little shell shaped pastry filled with custard.